For Sellers
- Payments directly come to YOU. No billing cycles. No wait on receiving your payments.
- Dedicated Store URL – no developers or fancy website required
- You’re a home based maker / creative
- You’re interested in everything handmade!
- Your packages can be as low as 291/- a month (our subscriptions are annual)
- Support is available to help you set up shop and address your concerns
- Professional interface + access to tips, techniques, and more
- We’re driving dedicated customers here
- Close-knit community you can call family
- No Commissions. No additional fees. No hidden charges.
For Buyers
You’ll fall in love with work by fellow Esnafians. Here are some reasons to shop from Esnaf!
- All work is original, unique and absolutely inspiring.
- You’ve been seeking novel and creative finds.
- You want to support local makers, crafters, and artists while contributing to their journey and story.
- You’re at ease knowing we verify our sellers prior to opening their stores on Esnaf.
- You love the idea of Esnaf being founded on the basis of social enterprise.
- Countless sellers are here representing the best of Made in Pakistan.
- Happiness is Handmade!